ADVANCED ROBOTICS | Grades 8-12 | August 5-9 | $460
Offered the week of August 5-9 from 9 am – 3 pm for students entering grades 8 – 12, or by permission
In our 2024 Advanced Robotics camp, students will use the Arduino Elegoo robotics system, using cameras and programmable motors and sensors to develop a vehicle that can operate by remote control and also in self-driving, autonomous mode. In our prior Advanced Robotics summer camps, our goal was to adapt a Power Wheels electric vehicle to be driven by remote control and also self-driving. We have chosen the new system in order to give campers more experience with sensors, cameras, programming and autonomous operation, and less emphasis on solving mechanical challenges. The Elegoo system is very versatile and allows add-ons of camera vision, IR or Ultrasonic sensors, line follow sensors, bump/touch sensors and others. Day 1 of the camp will be an introduction to Arduino boards and basic circuits and programming. The rest of the week will involve assembly of the robot vehicles, deeper programming skills, and addition of sensors with the aim of navigating through a course by autonomous driving. On Friday, campers will make final adjustments to coding and design, to demonstrate their vehicle’s ability to navigate the course.
Elegoo Robotics System: https://www.elegoo.com/products/elegoo-smart-robot-car-kit-v-4-0