Virtual Hour of Code 2020

Virtual Hour of Code 2020

2020 Hour of Code is December 7-13 Hour of Code is held in conjunction with Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek), an annual call to action to inspire students to learn computer science. Typically, Robotics And Beyond hosts a walk-in hands-on workshop for Hour of Code but with COVID cases surging again, we are providing you with this awesome list of self-led virtual Hour of Code activities. PARENTS: If you have

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GivingTuesday is December 1, 2020

GivingTuesday is December 1, 2020

Mark your calendars! Spread the word for December 1st, And Beyond. Robotics And Beyond has been around for an entire generation of students:18 years! In spite of the challenges faced in 2020, we are very thankful we have been able to continue our “Vision for a Generation.” We adapted our teaching methods and provided our summer camp online with great success. In the early months of the pandemic crisis we

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Gifts from Robotics And Beyond

Gifts from Robotics And Beyond

Are you looking for a unique gift for someone on your list? Robotics And Beyond has a few special items that you won’t find anywhere else. Your purchase of any of these gifts supports our programs and extends the interest and creativity of a future engineer, programmer, designer, scientist. TAKE A PEEK AT OUR GIFT OPTIONS

Weekend Workshops are here!

Weekend Workshops are here!

We asked and listened! Your feedback from our survey indicated the need for weekend programs.  NEW PROGRAMS Robot Wars (in-person): Grades 4-7, Saturday, October 31, 1:00-3:00 pm. Learn to program a pre-built LEGO NXT robot and send your robot into battle! Coding Workshop (in-person): Grades 3-7, Sunday, November 8, 1:00-3:00 pm. Coding for beginners and coding in Scratch from beginner to advanced. Science Sunday (in-person): Grades 4-7, Sunday, November 15 & 22, 1:00-2:30 pm. Explore and learn with

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Learn to Code with Java

Learn to Code with Java

Welcome to Robotics And Beyond’s Java Coding blog! Java is a widely used language for many server and web applications and is also the basis for Advanced Placement (AP) programming and computer science classes in high school and many college classes. It is the most popular programming language for running the operations of businesses, schools and other organizations and is used on more than one billion devices worldwide. Java is

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Registration is open for our 2020 Virtual Summer Camp

Registration is open for our 2020 Virtual Summer Camp

We’re back for our 17th summer season! No virus can stop us. We’re taking our great topics ONLINE! WHERE  Everywhere WHO Ages 5-18 WHEN Week-long topics from June 22 through August 14, scheduled between 9am and 4pm, including some self directed topics. WHAT Ages 5-7 receive a kit of supplies and a written guide to a weeks-worth of great activities that will inspire imaginations and teach important concepts and promote hand-eye

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Announcing: The Toolkit, a STEM Newsletter!

Announcing: The Toolkit, a STEM Newsletter!

We’re excited to announce our new project. Robotics And Beyond is launching The Toolkit, a weekly STEM education email newsletter. Every Monday, we’ll deliver a list of activities in areas like science, technology, engineering, math, and design, curated for students of various ages. We’re working with an established journalist named Caroline Delbert, who has written for publications like Popular Mechanics, to translate Robotics And Beyond’s expertise into digital content. We want to

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May 5 Summer Camp Update

May 5 Summer Camp Update

We are all waiting until May 20 to hear Governor Lamont’s guidelines on re-opening the state. However, even then it may be unclear whether we will be able to hold our traditional summer camp in July at New Milford High School and our Academy in other locations in town. We wanted to let you know that we remain hopeful but we are also exploring other options. We may need to

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Thank You Give Local 2020 Supporters!

Thank You Give Local 2020 Supporters!

In this time of crisis we saw a 50% increase in both total donations and number of donors compared with the last 2 years. Robotics And Beyond donations: $4,140 plus estimated $300 in matching funds, a 55% increase over the average received over the last 4 years in this event! A record 43 individual donors, 16 more than the prior record of 27, and 8 donors who contributed twice. Totals

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How our donors and volunteers are helping to provide PPE

How our donors and volunteers are helping to provide PPE

WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR TIME AND DONATIONS Many hospitals and other health care facilities and emergency response units in CT, NY and NJ are still desperate for face masks, face shields and other protective equipment. Robotics And Beyond is supporting the network of PPE production and distribution (CT-PPE) created and coordinated by Danbury Hackerspace. This effort has produced well over 1000 face shields. We are coordinating and enlisting contributors

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