What is a Sponsorship?

Robotics And Beyond has a long list of projects, programs, events and workshops that are highly effective in their approach and for the young people and adults who participate as students and mentors. However, these offerings are vastly under-scheduled and under-utilized due to the cost to implement and cost to the students. Costs of operations are another monumental challenge even though we have tremendous volunteer support.

Sponsorship entails funding of a topic or event to cover all or part of the costs of preparation and instruction, and enabling partly or fully-paid tuition for needful students to put the topic within reach of many individuals. Most topics can also be co-sponsored by one or more supporters at a reduced cost to each.

All topics and their content are designed to be as relevant as possible to careers and the education paths towards those careers.  Sponsorship enables the development of deeper levels of content to help students progress farther into their topics of choice, often reaching the level of workplace and college-level understanding and skill. Robotics And Beyond has learned how to do this with great success while keeping the topics fun and engaging for the students.

Sponsorship also enables topics to be scheduled more frequently and thereby reach more of the population.

Sponsors are not required to be involved with the design of the projects or programs but are welcomed to contribute ideas for specific projects, and information including project software and hardware involved and the specific applications and examples used in the topics.

Benefits to sponsors include

  • familiarization of the community and region with the sponsoring business or organization
  • opportunity for sponsor employees to help design the projects and classes and serve as instructors or assistants if desired
  • a source of highly motivated candidates for internships and part time or summer jobs with skills specifically needed by the sponsor, as well as a source of long-term skilled employees

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