We encourage you to ask about tuition assistance if you need it. Our tuition charge is one half to one third the cost of most camps around the country that target high-level engineering and science but this cost is still beyond the reach of some families. We work hard to ensure that no student is prevented from attending due to cost. We obtain support from area companies, organizations and other donors, and split this funding among those who request financial aid help.

We can commit to providing assistance for camp costs for one week of camp only. Requests for additional weeks of camp will be considered and will depend on available funds. Please also look to other sources of assistance.

To apply for Tuition Assistance: Please fill out our Online Form or Download/Print the form.

Robotics And Beyond cannot fill entire amounts of all requests for help with camp costs. After you let us know about your needs, we strongly suggest that you also look for other sources of assistance. Many towns have organizations that provide help with camp costs, such as Rotary and Lions Clubs, PTO, library and others. For New Milford residents only, one organization is MVP-SOS (see details below). Inquire at your town’s social services, youth agency and school guidance office about possible sources of assistance. Your child may also qualify for an allowance for enrichment education such as summer camps. Students with special learning needs and gifted designations often are eligible for camp tuition help through their schools.


MVP-SOS accepts applications for funding of New Milford children in grades K-12 that have financial need. Please visit www.mvpsos.org.