USB Foundation sponsors free programs for Fall 2024

  • Post last modified:September 12, 2024
  • Post category:News

Union Savings Bank Foundation was created in 1998. In its 2024 grant period alone, the foundation awarded just over $300,000 to 31 local non-profit organizations. Since 2014, the foundation has awarded over $8 million and well over 100,000 hours of employee volunteer time to assist dozens of worthy non-profit efforts in 18 towns hosting 25 bank branches. This is the third grant awarded to Robotics And Beyond, with the first two allowing us to purchase badly needed computer equipment and greatly increase the number of programs we are able to offer.

2024 Grant Details

What: Cost-free, 5-week programs in STEM, design and creative play, 3-5 topics each weekend, and 10-15 different topics in all.

Who: Grades K-12, with each topic limited to certain grade ranges or by permission.

Why: Equal access by all families with no barrier of financial cost.

When: Almost all programs will be held on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons, when nearly no other options for exist for young people to get out of the house and engage in exciting activities and discover new worlds and expose new interests and talents.

Where: Locations will vary between the Robotics And Beyond studio space at 46 Bridge St., the John Pettibone Community Center, and the New Milford Youth Agency Maxx facility, all in New Milford. Other locations may be added later.

How: The programs kicks off with three topics announced now and many others to follow. Registration is required. Some topics require commitment to attend all dates while others do not. Attendance limits range from 6 to 10, depending on the topic.